Confidant Funeral Services Goa

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    ‘Confidant’ is a brand name known to everyone in Goa.  It is a reputed Corporate with good business values and good human values. We have a young enterprising & dynamic workforce, which seeks to make a change by good business ethics. Our corporate business deals in Advertising, Publishing, Bookstore, Funeral Services and Construction etc.



    Our vision is to serve the society in whatever business we do with good business and good human values.  The society is our wealth and in turn we would give back much of our profits back to the society though philanthropist means.  We look at our valued customers with high stature and go to every end to make them happy.  We vision our enterprise as young & dynamic, which seeks to make a change.  We believe that good business practices will give a rise to good business ethics & raise the moral of our employees & give higher customer satisfaction.


    Copyright © 2012 Confidant Funerals. All Rights Reserved.